Posts tagged Kai
Ep 78 - Rokurokubi Talking Heads

Heads up! This week we have a ghost story from Japan featuring the nosiest Yokai on this side of the Pacific - the Rokurokubi. Prepare to learn about what really happens to people who crane their necks to listen on the hot goss. But don’t worry about those long necks, it’s the Nukekubi you really gotta watch out for. It’s samurai monk up to bat against bouncing head ghosts.

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Ep 62 - Hans Christmas Andersen: The Snow Queen Pt 2

In the thrilling conclusion of The Snow Queen, Gerda is joined by in media res Rudolph on his way to the North Pole to save her beloved Kai who has been struggling with a puzzle and turning to Kaicicle over the past year. Will the power of love be able to melt his frozen heart and defeat the Snow Queen? Get ready for some Reindeer Games like you’ve never heard.

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Ep 61 - Hans Christmas Andersen: The Snow Queen Pt 1

Journey with us this winter to the icy wilds of Copenhagen… ooooh mystical, Copenhagen - where Gerda must rescue her sister the Ice Queen with the frozen heart, no wait, that’s Frozen. Where Gerda must save the land from the Ice Queen who has taken her brother Edmund and threatens Narnia, wait no, that’s The Chronicles of Narnia. Ok now, journey with us and Gerda into Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen to rescue her beloved Kai from the frozen heart’s corruption and hear the story that inspired them all.

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Ep 30 - The Shahnameh Chronicles Pt. 3: The Return of the King Kavus with Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi

Make way listeners for Prince Rostam! Here is the final chapter of our series on Iranian poet Firdawsi's Shahnameh with special guests and Persian culture & mythology experts, Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi.

Heroic Prince Rostam labors away, beating local villagers and saving the foolhardy King Kavus who has been blinded and kidnapped by the evil white demon *cough* King Theoden and Sarumon *cough*. Rakash and Rostam rescue the king of Mazandaran and go off onto many more adventures, like accidentally committing filicide and eventually succumbing to siblicide after 600 years of living that rock & roll prince lifestyle. And we say goodbye to our special guests Katie and Damir who have been with us for this 60,000 couplet ride.

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