Posts tagged Alexander
Ep 30 - The Shahnameh Chronicles Pt. 3: The Return of the King Kavus with Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi

Make way listeners for Prince Rostam! Here is the final chapter of our series on Iranian poet Firdawsi's Shahnameh with special guests and Persian culture & mythology experts, Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi.

Heroic Prince Rostam labors away, beating local villagers and saving the foolhardy King Kavus who has been blinded and kidnapped by the evil white demon *cough* King Theoden and Sarumon *cough*. Rakash and Rostam rescue the king of Mazandaran and go off onto many more adventures, like accidentally committing filicide and eventually succumbing to siblicide after 600 years of living that rock & roll prince lifestyle. And we say goodbye to our special guests Katie and Damir who have been with us for this 60,000 couplet ride.

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Ep 20 - The Baba Yaga Saga

The Baba Yaga is the OG Queen Bee of bad witches! 1 Part Fairy Godmother, 1 Part Boogeyman, add in a dash of Russian folklore and boom, you've got a recipe for the arch-crone herself and the topic of this week's episode!

Find out all about her, her badass house, her badass servants, her badass self, and her badass exploits as we tell how this Fairy Boogeyman helps Vasilisa the beautiful in a Russian Cinderella story.

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